Thursday, April 3, 2014

Podcasting seems fun!

When I was listening to the first episode in podcast for dummies was pretty informational. It talked more about editing which made sense because when taping your voice or even video taping yourself, if you're nervous you're going to stutter, or make noises you don't want in your podcast. He gave a lot of information that I can use when it comes to me making my podcast. When it comes to podcasting, it's better to be economically reasonable to use what you have already, instead of going out and buying everything.

You're basic steps to making a podcast are to plan, produce, publish, promote. Planning is the biggest part of podcasting because it sets you up for what you want to do, but the real question is, "What's your topic?" That's all part of planning your podcast. Once you've picked your topic, you can start to produce your podcast by hitting the record button and away you go. Once you're done producing your podcast you can now publish it for people to hear, you can do it as an MP3 file, or even uploading it. Once your podcast is uploaded and ready for people to hear, why don't you promote it, get more people to go listen to it. Make your podcast be heard.


  1. Being someone who usually makes incredibly awkward pauses, or messes up while recording some audio, I can back up that editing is incredibly important. No one wants to hear a bunch of "Uhh..."s while listening to something. Of course, if there's a few short ones then it's bearable, but if they drag on, editing them out is the way to go. So I'm pretty happy that editing was mentioned in the first episode.

  2. I also learned a lot from the Podcast for Dummies podcast we listened to. It was great to hear that podcasts can be made with free tools. In general, I am finding how easy it is to make great things without spending a boatload of money!
