Saturday, April 19, 2014

Facebook Generations

After reading the article I would have to say that without online life I wouldn't be able to do my online classes like I do now. Online life is sometimes a better way to get in touch with other around you that you have no other way of communication other than Facebook. Most workplaces are connected to the internet nowadays, so if I can't email or get in any other contact with my reps for my store then I wouldn't have a way to send them a dog food order(for example). It would also be hard for me to go on vacation without online life because basically everything is online now(hotels, travel sites, maps, etc). I'm also the type of person that takes a lot of pictures when I'm on vacation so without my Facebook(where I post most of my pictures), I wouldn't be able to post them until I got home.
One question I have is why are so many people using online as their life now?


  1. We so heavily rely on the internet that sometimes people go into these angry fits when the system is slow, or they don't have access. I know there are some great benefits to the internet, like online courses, but I also know that I could easily survive without it. If you think about how much you rely on the internet, can you think of ways to substitute your use? For example, instead of reading news online, could you challenge yourself to stop and start reading hard copies? If you are active on Facebook, could you challenge yourself to stay off and call a friend (not text) instead? I bet you could :)

  2. Hi Tiffany,
    I also rely heavily on the online world. I'm grateful for online classes to that's for sure because without them I wouldn't be able to get my degree at this point in my life, not to mention the fact that I save money by not having to pay to send my child to daycare so I could attend a class in person. I personally use the internet because it's fits better into my daily life. I save lots of time by making reservations online and it really comes down to the fact, in my opinion, that it's convenient and saves us all time, therefor we all use it.

  3. Hello Tiffany
    I enjoyed reading your blog because you make some great points on how useful and convent of having the web is great to have. Esecially in this present day we are able to do pretty much everything from home if we all have a computer and the web. Having access to be able to do so much from how allow us to have more time to ourslef to spend with family and friends, errands, working, and even school. The web is great source that we all should appreciate having.
