Monday, April 14, 2014

Long Tail...

When I watched the video and read the article what popped into my head was not everyone has time to go to the stores and buy what they want, as well as the possibility that the stores won't have it due to limited shelf space. If I could go to the store and know for a fact that my product/s or whatever I wanted to  buy was there, heck I'd go, but because I know or have an idea that it won't be there, then why not jump online and shop. However, when shopping online you get a list of products that other people bought along with the product you're looking at, or a list of other products you could buy, whereas you walk into a store and pick up the product you want without even thinking about what else you could buy with that product, or even what other people bought online. This applies to me and the world because everyone has the choice to go into a store or shop online without that choice people wouldn't be using the internet and seeing what is going on in the online world.  


  1. Tiffany,

    For me, the long tail has a lot to do with what exactly I'm buying. Pants, for example, I will never buy online. Gotta try those babies on first. Even though I know I could find better deals from an online retailer, it's worth it for me to make the trek to Urban Outfitters and see what pants are on sale and how they fit. I was thinking about how well the long tail would work for me if it somehow encompassed food. Like, I could buy weird food that doesn't take up a lot of space and that not a lot of people are into. I guess then I'd be limited to non-perishables. My diet may get a little boring. Who knows. Maybe I'll try to see if anyone is selling off-brand rice and beans online and I can set up some regular shipments.

    The long tail obviously works with music and movies, but what, other than food do you think it doesn't apply to so well?

  2. I agree with you, not everyone has time to go to the store these days. Especially nowadays shopping online has been the ideal and most convent way to shop. No one has time to risk going to the store and hoping they have what they want because you can't guarantee they have what you want. Going online your pretty much guaranteed you will find what you need and now you can purchase and download any media straight to your electronic device no need to wait.
