Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is Creative Commons bad for Copyright?

While skimming through the articles I read some interesting stuff. The whole Obama picture copyright was pretty cool. You can track most people on Google images because of certain social networking sites. Most sites will let your pictures open to the world, meaning Google images. When someone found Obama's original picture on Google images, it's amazing how it was copyright already. That being said, other people probably found photos on Google images of famous people and edited their photos. Do you think it's right to take someone else's photo and edit it? Honestly, if it's not a picture of me, or someone in my family, I'm not going to edit it. It would be stealing. Now is Creative Commons bad for Copyright? I would have to say that Creative Commons and Copyright are two separate things, but that doesn't mean that Creative Commons is necessarily bad for copyright policy issues. Yes, I skimmed through the other articles, but the fact that someone can take a picture off Google images and edit it, was pretty interesting to me. Does that mean if someone found my picture on Google images, they can edit it? Or does it HAVE to be a copyright picture?

1 comment:

  1. It is a good question, and something that is just creepy to me. I try not to post photos of me for that very reason. I don't know what kind of creep is going to look at it, and who knows what they would do with it. This course has really pushed me out of my comfort zone posting photos.
    I also think of identity theft. The recent issues with catfish have been identity theft. Someone from India stole someone's photos, and gave them a new life.
