Friday, February 7, 2014

Kevin Kelly Video and the internet

When I was listening to Kevin Kelly, what struck out to me the most was how he talked about how the internet is doubling every year. It's nice to know that the internet is doubling every year. I can see that the internet is getting better every year. Although how is the internet improving every year? The internet is codependent so the more there is on it the better it gets. I honestly don't think the internet can get any better than it already is. There's so much to do on the internet now then there was when I was little. Kevin Kelly has made some good points about the internet, but what if the internet crashes? What would you do without the internet?


  1. There was a whole lot more he said than its doubling, Tiffany, did you get a chance to view his whole talk? What do you think of his idea that all our devices being connected to the net will make one great big machine and humans will just be a part of that whole?

    1. Lisa,
      I did read the whole article, but the doubling of the web was what interested me the most because I never thought that the web was doing that great over the years. I feel like the more they put on the web the slower it gets, but that's just my opinion. I think that there's plenty of devices now that are being connected to the internet, i think it could over load the net, but hey if Kevin Kelly thinks the web will become smarter than humans then we will just have to see if that comes true.

      - Tiffany

  2. I agree with you saying there's a lot more to do online then when we were kids. I remember being a kid trying to find games to play online and never really finding "a good one". Now there's online games EVERYWHERE. Remember those little basic games you could download on to the old style flip phones just 8 years ago? Now we have apps that do virtually everything. People always say things like "I wish I grew up in the 60s" or "I should have been born in the 20s". I'm thankful I'm living to see not only the creation, but the unbelievable growth of the internet. My generation were the first to have cell phones small enough to fit in a pocket and now we have cell phone shaped computers. And to answer your question: if the internet crashes I want to crash with it, I don't think I could survive without goofy cat pictures and angry birds,.

    1. Kristen,
      Yes I remember those games. I was one happy kid once my parents handed me one of those old school flip phones. All I wanted was the games on them. I have an iPhone and it was the best decision of my life when they started to come out because I can be at work, and email my teacher or someone if I need an extension, I don't need to get onto a computer just for that. They have an app for everything. That saying everyone says, "There's an app for that" is what makes me download as much as I can on my iPhone to make it easier for me. I agree with you, in the internet crashes, I sure would crash with it too. If everything I had is gone, I want to go too. Maybe I could find it later on.

