Friday, March 7, 2014

Kindle talks?

It's hard to explain what exactly I think about the voice over Kindle because I have a Kindle fire, doesn't read to me, but it's nice to use when I want to use it. I would have to say that the voice reading to you part isn't my ideal thought at first, but once you actually get it and listen to it, I bet it's nice because then you don't have to read out loud yourself or read silently. But again, I honestly think it's an odd thing. Would you think a Kindle would ever be able to read to you? I feel as though it's a waste of money because why have something that reads to you when in school you are taught to read out loud or silently? I feel like technology now is starting to move people more into it rather than letting the schools teach them right. I have not heard of a lawsuit, but it really wouldn't surprise me if there was one because technology seems to be pushing its way into the eye of the kids. I don't think there really has to be a lawsuit, but why make technology that can talk for you while reading now? This is kind of a start to technology take over to me. What about playing movies on iPhones? Where is the lawsuit for that? What if I purchased a book online and it read aloud to me, where is the lawsuit for that? I feel like every new technology that's being made nowadays is becoming more and more copyright, it's like no one cares, they just want the money for the products sold. Technology is becoming a bit more ridiculous in a way.


  1. How do you think the voice-over technology is different from audio-books? Learning to read is important, and is not something that should be lost, and I do not think it ever will be. Although, who knows what the future holds with technology. Maybe everything will become symbols with voice boxes where you have to push the button to hear a voice tell you what is there. crazy would that be.

  2. I kind of agree with you about learning to read in school, but for kids who have a learning disability, having the technology for something to read aloud to you could be very helpful to some kids. Maybe it would even make them like reading. As far as what you said about watching movies, I agree with your question. Are their lawsuits or rules about that?

  3. While having a robot read to you isn't exactly necessary when I heard people mention having them have the voice overs I expected either younger kids learning how to read, or someone with a disability. Of course reading on your own is perfectly fine, yet some people need the voice overs for one reason or another. Though it's nothing against you if you can't get into it, if I had a Kindle I would probably think the voice over is going too slow for me.
