Friday, May 2, 2014

Multimedia Experience

I never really was into the computer much until I began the Multimedia Apps and Tools class. Once the class started, I viewed the web more than ever, learning about all kinds of different things. I was nice to see the outside world that I had never learned before on the web. I would have to say that when it came to my ah-ah moments it was learning about a lot of the articles that we read and posted about. A lot of my OH NO's were when we had to do videos because I was never a video person, but the more I did in this class, the more confident and better at them. I'm still working on making better videos which is a learning curve. I would have to say, I'm now a computer cloud kid, I feel like once someone turns on the computer, you'll see me as a little icon everywhere. Ha! I found out that as a learner I ask a lot of help, and I'm not much for discussions, I'd rather jump right into the projects, blogs, and writing, always been that way, guess it hasn't left me yet. Hopefully it will soon, discussions are what helps others out, it's nice to be able to talk to others. I still see in my future either opening my own business, or working as a wedding planner. Both my dreams and what I see myself hopefully doing in the future. I want to learn more about videos and editing them. It was fun to learn something new. Overall this class was a great experience, I will definitely take everything I learned, and use it more in my life.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Copright laws turing kids into criminals?

I would have to say that Lawrence is wrong in a way because not many kids are turning into criminals. I don't think kids are turning into criminals because they can't take videos or pictures and remix them or edit them. I know some people that aren't turning into criminals because of the copyright laws stopping them from doing what they like to do which is remixing movies, or editing photos. I think that remixing isn't a bad thing, it's just taking something original and remixing it into something better. No one wants to watch a boring video or show when they can remix it and then watch it. Lawrence has a point that no one is really breaking the copyright law when it comes to remixing it to make it spicy and worth watching.

Is it against the law to make a parody of a song? Isn't remixing kinda the same thing? Why aren't people talking about all the song that are being remixed into a parody?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Facebook Generations

After reading the article I would have to say that without online life I wouldn't be able to do my online classes like I do now. Online life is sometimes a better way to get in touch with other around you that you have no other way of communication other than Facebook. Most workplaces are connected to the internet nowadays, so if I can't email or get in any other contact with my reps for my store then I wouldn't have a way to send them a dog food order(for example). It would also be hard for me to go on vacation without online life because basically everything is online now(hotels, travel sites, maps, etc). I'm also the type of person that takes a lot of pictures when I'm on vacation so without my Facebook(where I post most of my pictures), I wouldn't be able to post them until I got home.
One question I have is why are so many people using online as their life now?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Long Tail...

When I watched the video and read the article what popped into my head was not everyone has time to go to the stores and buy what they want, as well as the possibility that the stores won't have it due to limited shelf space. If I could go to the store and know for a fact that my product/s or whatever I wanted to  buy was there, heck I'd go, but because I know or have an idea that it won't be there, then why not jump online and shop. However, when shopping online you get a list of products that other people bought along with the product you're looking at, or a list of other products you could buy, whereas you walk into a store and pick up the product you want without even thinking about what else you could buy with that product, or even what other people bought online. This applies to me and the world because everyone has the choice to go into a store or shop online without that choice people wouldn't be using the internet and seeing what is going on in the online world.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Podcasting seems fun!

When I was listening to the first episode in podcast for dummies was pretty informational. It talked more about editing which made sense because when taping your voice or even video taping yourself, if you're nervous you're going to stutter, or make noises you don't want in your podcast. He gave a lot of information that I can use when it comes to me making my podcast. When it comes to podcasting, it's better to be economically reasonable to use what you have already, instead of going out and buying everything.

You're basic steps to making a podcast are to plan, produce, publish, promote. Planning is the biggest part of podcasting because it sets you up for what you want to do, but the real question is, "What's your topic?" That's all part of planning your podcast. Once you've picked your topic, you can start to produce your podcast by hitting the record button and away you go. Once you're done producing your podcast you can now publish it for people to hear, you can do it as an MP3 file, or even uploading it. Once your podcast is uploaded and ready for people to hear, why don't you promote it, get more people to go listen to it. Make your podcast be heard.