Friday, March 14, 2014

PowerPoint? Magical? No way!

Watching Hans Rosling's PowerPoint presentation, I was very surprised at the ways he presented his information. He did a really good job, the graphs were understanding and he really explained them in a way that you wouldn't forget. His presentation is the only one i've seen where I actually didn't get bored during it. I was into his presentation the whole time. not only because of what it was mainly about, but how he was explaining the different reasons about our countries and the changes that were or are being made.When he brings up the Child Mortality within the countries, he tells the crowd not to panic and he'll help them get through the graph, it was difficult to understand at first glace, but as he explained it, it was easy to understand. He made his presentation unique which is what makes a good presentation. Any information you can get makes for a better presentation. Setting it up in a way that you can explain it to others so they can understand is even better.


  1. Hi Tiffany,

    I think you're on to something with the idea of uniqueness furthering the impact of a presentation. I think the most unique and memorable aspect of Hans' whole presentation was the five-foot pointer he used. I think he's kind of a small guy, anyways, but something about seeing that thing come up to like his chin made him seemed kind of cute and likable. Hans has made me consider the human element involved in all of this. Forget about the crazy amounts of technology available to make state-of-the-art presentations. If there's nothing endearing about the person pushing the buttons, the audience will remain un-enthused. People have been echoing the same sentiment all week; rely too heavily on a program to run your presentation and you'll lose your audience.

  2. Hey Tiffany
    I found the graphs to be quite difficult to read in the beginning but he did do a great job at helping his audience understand it. Plus the the graph was well organized and labeled using a color wold key which helped explain what line was for what country, The uniqueness of his presentation seemed to be his way of learning how to present complicated information in a well organized and understandable manner. Maybe if we use our own personal experience from presenting and being the audience to form our own technique in designing a great presentation.
