Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is Creative Commons bad for Copyright?

While skimming through the articles I read some interesting stuff. The whole Obama picture copyright was pretty cool. You can track most people on Google images because of certain social networking sites. Most sites will let your pictures open to the world, meaning Google images. When someone found Obama's original picture on Google images, it's amazing how it was copyright already. That being said, other people probably found photos on Google images of famous people and edited their photos. Do you think it's right to take someone else's photo and edit it? Honestly, if it's not a picture of me, or someone in my family, I'm not going to edit it. It would be stealing. Now is Creative Commons bad for Copyright? I would have to say that Creative Commons and Copyright are two separate things, but that doesn't mean that Creative Commons is necessarily bad for copyright policy issues. Yes, I skimmed through the other articles, but the fact that someone can take a picture off Google images and edit it, was pretty interesting to me. Does that mean if someone found my picture on Google images, they can edit it? Or does it HAVE to be a copyright picture?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

iPhone Photography

While checking out all the links for this weeks blog assignment, I was more interested in the link because I thought it was pretty cool that you can take your pictures and upload them to that site. I never thought you could do something like that except to post them to a social networking site like Facebook, or Myspace. With all this new iPhone Photography apps I would have to say that the art world in general would disappear, and people would use the smartphones more for art projects. Schools now a days are using iPads for kids to take home and do homework on, that gives students a good learning experience and they can use their iPad for an art project if they have one. I feel as though technology is taking over the world, slowly at times, but eventually there will be a lot of changes with technology and real world. Photography is becoming more tech savvy, and I think it will continue to grow because there are a lot of people out there that love photography. I would recommend to anyone that needs a place to share photos and art. I am what you can a iPhone Photography lover, I love taking pictures, no matter how they look, if it's a cow in the field with the sun in the background, I'll snap a picture of it. I love photography, although I'm not going to school for it, I still love taking pictures. Have you ever experienced a time in your life where you've gone from loving taking pictures to it's boring? Or are you a photography lover? why or why not?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 4 - Creative Common

Creative commons develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation. Creative Commons vision is realizing the full potential of the Internet to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity. CC gives you flexibility, and protects the people who use your work, so they don’t have to worry about copyright infringement. CC has hundreds of millions of works such as songs, videos, scientific, and academic material, and it's all free to the public. Copyright was created long before the emergence of the Internet, and can make it hard to legally perform actions we take for granted on the network: copy, paste, edit source, and post to the Web. The default setting of copyright law requires all of these actions to have explicit permission, granted in advance, whether you’re an artist, teacher, scientist, librarian, policymaker, or just a regular user. To achieve the vision of universal access, someone needed to provide a free, public, and standardized infrastructure. That someone was Creative Commons. CC's tools give everyone from individual creators to large companies, and large institutions a simple, and standardized way to keep their copyright while allowing certain uses of their work. Now my question for you is, Is Creative Commons bad for Copyright? Why or why not?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Kevin Kelly Video and the internet

When I was listening to Kevin Kelly, what struck out to me the most was how he talked about how the internet is doubling every year. It's nice to know that the internet is doubling every year. I can see that the internet is getting better every year. Although how is the internet improving every year? The internet is codependent so the more there is on it the better it gets. I honestly don't think the internet can get any better than it already is. There's so much to do on the internet now then there was when I was little. Kevin Kelly has made some good points about the internet, but what if the internet crashes? What would you do without the internet?