Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In the online Multimedia Apps and Tools Online class, I would like to learn about all the different technology that most teens are using these days. I want to learn more about what I can do on a computer, what I can make, and how to do it. What makes me nervous about taking a tech course online? Well, I'm a shy person at times, so when I hear that I have to use a video recorder or a microphone for an online class, I tend to freak out. I know most classes required it, but I get nervous to the point where I get out of the class. That's the way I've been all my life, I've come out of it a little, but there are those times that come right back to me out of the blue. This is not my first online class, I have taken lots of online classes because I work full time and don't have much time to leave work for a face to face class. The only technology that I have is more from Microsoft Office(Word, PowerPoint, Excel), but in my business class that I took my junior and senior year I have learned how to make a website. I have never blogged before, nor have I read them, I don't have much free time and when I do have free time, I'm not on my computer much. 

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany, I think you'll do fine in this class as long as you can manage your time. By the time we do the video and sound assignments I hope you'll feel more comfortable sharing your work with your classmates. It always helps with video to get a friend to help as you'll be more at ease if someone is there behind the camera you're already at ease with. Sound is pretty anonymous, I bet that one won't be too bad. If there's anything I can to help reduce your stress let me know :-)
