Thursday, January 30, 2014

In the Cloud or not?

My presence in the cloud isn't part of my life much because I'm always working. Although, when I was younger, I was always in the cloud. I connected to Facebook, Myspace, and Meetme(used to be myyearbook). I am still connected to Facebook now, but I have also connected with Pinterest, and Instagram. I use those the most, but in my spare time I'm usually working or hanging with my boyfriend. I am a fan of Google sad, but true. I use Google as much as I can no matter where I am. I do mostly use the web to do online shopping, now I'm the type of person that loves shopping on the web, getting deals when I can and looking at new arrivals without driving to the store itself. I'm not in the "Don't spend much anymore" phase, so my boyfriend and I can buy a house when we are ready. There's a lot you can do on the web now a days, if you want the weather you can look that up on the web, if you want to know local or world news you can search the web for that. Honestly, the web has become pretty popular because there's always something you can do on the web. When I wasn't into the web I would do other stuff, but now that the web is somewhat part of my life I can see why lots of people talk about it. It may not be something you'll want your toddlers to start getting into, but as they grow up they will learn the steps just like me and other people. The web may seem hard at first, but it's worth getting to know, it could have all your answers. Five years ago I was on the web all the time, now I  know how to spare my time by spending time with others while having some spare time to search the lovely web. I used to be more into IMing and emailing, but now it's texting, Skype, facetime, and Facebook.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In the online Multimedia Apps and Tools Online class, I would like to learn about all the different technology that most teens are using these days. I want to learn more about what I can do on a computer, what I can make, and how to do it. What makes me nervous about taking a tech course online? Well, I'm a shy person at times, so when I hear that I have to use a video recorder or a microphone for an online class, I tend to freak out. I know most classes required it, but I get nervous to the point where I get out of the class. That's the way I've been all my life, I've come out of it a little, but there are those times that come right back to me out of the blue. This is not my first online class, I have taken lots of online classes because I work full time and don't have much time to leave work for a face to face class. The only technology that I have is more from Microsoft Office(Word, PowerPoint, Excel), but in my business class that I took my junior and senior year I have learned how to make a website. I have never blogged before, nor have I read them, I don't have much free time and when I do have free time, I'm not on my computer much.