Friday, May 2, 2014

Multimedia Experience

I never really was into the computer much until I began the Multimedia Apps and Tools class. Once the class started, I viewed the web more than ever, learning about all kinds of different things. I was nice to see the outside world that I had never learned before on the web. I would have to say that when it came to my ah-ah moments it was learning about a lot of the articles that we read and posted about. A lot of my OH NO's were when we had to do videos because I was never a video person, but the more I did in this class, the more confident and better at them. I'm still working on making better videos which is a learning curve. I would have to say, I'm now a computer cloud kid, I feel like once someone turns on the computer, you'll see me as a little icon everywhere. Ha! I found out that as a learner I ask a lot of help, and I'm not much for discussions, I'd rather jump right into the projects, blogs, and writing, always been that way, guess it hasn't left me yet. Hopefully it will soon, discussions are what helps others out, it's nice to be able to talk to others. I still see in my future either opening my own business, or working as a wedding planner. Both my dreams and what I see myself hopefully doing in the future. I want to learn more about videos and editing them. It was fun to learn something new. Overall this class was a great experience, I will definitely take everything I learned, and use it more in my life.